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become flat中文是什么意思

用"become flat"造句"become flat"怎么读"become flat" in a sentence


  • 泄气
  • "become" 中文翻译 :    vi. (became; become) 1.变成,成为,转为,变得〔后接名词、形容词和分词等述语〕。 He has become a sailor. 他成为一名水手。 It has become warmer. 天暖和起来了。 At last the truth became known to us. 我们终于知道了真相。 2.发生,产生。 It sometimes becomes that these accounts are misleading. 这些说法有时会引起误解。 vt. 适宜,适合,适于;与…相称,与…相当。 Such words do not become a scholar. 那样的话不像出自学者之口。 It would ill become you to praise yourself. 你自夸自赞是很不得体的。 Your dress becomes you well. 你的衣裳挺合身。 become of (人或事物的)情况,遭遇,结果,归属 (What has become of him 他后来的情况怎样了?〔口语〕他到哪里去了? I don't know what will become of the children if their father dies. 我不知道这些孩子在他们的父亲死后会发生什么情况)。
  • "become of" 中文翻译 :    (人或事的)情况,遭遇,结果,归属; 发生...情况,怎么啦; 发生…的情况; 发生于;结果是; 降临; 怎样(用于问句)
  • "a flat" 中文翻译 :    降a; 降低半音的a音
  • "flat" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.〔英罕〕地板;(房屋的)一层。 2.一套房间;〔pl.〕分宅公寓〔美国高级公寓叫 apartment house〕。 3.(轮船的)平台,甲板。 -let 〔英国〕小套间。 adj. (flatter; flattest) 1.平的,平坦的,扁平的。 2.浅的。 3.伸平的,平展的。 4.(图画等)平板的;(颜色等)单调的,不鲜明的;【摄影】无深浅反差的。 5.意气消沉的,无精打采的,单调的,无聊的;〔美俚〕没有钱的,不名一文的。 6.(啤酒等)走了气的。 7.(市面)呆滞的,萧条的,不景气的;(价钱)无涨落的。 8.淡然的;直率的,直截了当的。 9.【音乐】降音的,降音号的。 10.【语言学】平舌的;浊音的,带声的 (opp. sharp) 【语法】无语尾变化的。 11.(风帆)绷紧的。 12.【军事】(弹道等)低平的。 crops flat after a storm 暴风雨后庄稼倒伏。 knock flat 把人打倒在地。 a flat price (各种商品)一样的价格。 a flat rate of 3% 一律百分之三。 feel flat 感觉无聊。 a flat lie 弥天大谎。 The market is flat. 市面萧条。 Prices are flat. 物价平平。 a flat denial 断然否认[拒绝]。 become flat 泄气。 lay a city flat 把城市夷为平地。 That's flat . 当然;绝对这样。 adv. 1.匍匐地,平直地。 2.完全地;断然地,干脆地,直截了当地。 3.恰恰,正好。 4.【金融】无(利)息地。 tell sb. flat 明白地告诉某人。 flat and plain 简单明了,直截了当。 ten dollars flat 拾元整。 flat aback 吓了一跳。 the bond are sold flat 公债无息出售。 be flat broke 完全破产。 fall flat 跌倒;完全失败;全无效果,全无好评 (fall flat on the audience 毫不动人)。 n. 1.平面;平面图;坪,平地;浅滩,低湿平地。 2.平坦部分;扁平的东西;平底船;平底篮。 3.〔俚语〕(容易受骗的)傻子,蠢汉;泄气轮胎。 4.【音乐】降半音,降音号[b] 【建筑】平顶;【机械工程】台面;【戏剧】背景屏。 (draw) from the flat 按照图样(描摹) (opp. from the round 按照实物)。 in the flat 在纸上;平面图的 (opp. in the round, in relief)。 join the flats 使(故事等)首尾呼应;装出始终如一的样子。 on the flat = in the flat. vt. (-tt-) 1.使平;使降音。 2.使(图画等)平淡。 3.〔美国〕丢弃(恋人)。 vi. 1.变平,变平淡。 2.【音乐】降音。 flat out 〔美国〕渐薄;打错主意,终无结果,虎头蛇尾。
  • "flat in" 中文翻译 :    横插进去
  • "flat on to" 中文翻译 :    顶平
  • "become a buddhist" 中文翻译 :    皈依三宝
  • "become a doctor" 中文翻译 :    成为一名医生
  • "become a football of" 中文翻译 :    变成玩弄品
  • "become a fossil" 中文翻译 :    成为化石
  • "become a hermit" 中文翻译 :    做隐士
  • "become a magnet for" 中文翻译 :    成为对......有吸引力的东西
  • "become a member" 中文翻译 :    成为一名成员,会员
  • "become a member of" 中文翻译 :    成为……成员
  • "become a mother" 中文翻译 :    当母亲, 生孩子
  • "become a nun" 中文翻译 :    当修女
  • "become a priest" 中文翻译 :    空门托钵
  • "become a scapegoat" 中文翻译 :    背黑锅
  • "become a stampede" 中文翻译 :    成为人们争着要的东西
  • "become a teacher" 中文翻译 :    成为一名教师
  • "become a vase" 中文翻译 :    花瓶
  • "become accustomed to" 中文翻译 :    变得习以为常; 习惯于
  • "become airborne" 中文翻译 :    离地
  • "become available to" 中文翻译 :    对…有效,对…有用; 对…有效,有用
  • "become aware of" 中文翻译 :    开始觉察到; 意识到; 知道


  • At some higher velocity the ripples or dunes disappear and the bed becomes flat .
  • Now the road became flat, and we could see the tappenkarsee, so suddenly i was very happy, and full of energy again, haha
  • He presses it until it becomes flat and wears it on his feet . next morning, he ambles on the lawn . he finds it comforting and flexible
  • In the isothermal crystallization experiment, the dsc exothermic curves become flat as decrease of the degrees of undercooling within the experimental temperatures
  • More and more knowledge organizations expect to strengthen their core competence by constantly improving employee ’ s skills and competencies . at the same time, an inevitable trend among companies is to become flatter in order to increase competitiveness
  • But the comprehensive properties were improved remarkably . with the addition of carbon nanotubes, the polarization of charging process decreased, the plateau of discharge became flatter and the migration of potential of peaks value of cyclic voltemmograms reduced . for the other hand, the exchange current increased, ohm resistance and electrochemical reaction resistance of the electrodes decreased, the diffusion resistance of hydrogen and the resistance of adsorption decreased, too
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